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Build a Crossword

Try your hands at composing a crossword puzzle!

However, I have to disappoint you from the start: you won’t be able to save it, because the demo application has no saving capability. Sorry.

Loading the crossword has yet to start.




Dont't try to be clever!

Select a difficulty level:
Word directions: only to the right and down any, including diagonal and backwards
List of words that should be found: visible before found hidden before found

Fill in the the letters and mark the words:

  • {{word.fields | joinWord}} (from line {{word.start.y + 1|localeNumber}}, column {{textIsLTR ? word.start.x + 1 : crosswordData.size.width - word.start.x|localeNumber}} {{localize(word.direction)}})

To save it, you must give the riddle a new name. You can change the additional informations that are saved about the riddle.

You must give a name!

The name is too short!

You have exceeded the maximum length for a name!

There is already another riddle with that name!

That looks good!

Dont't try to be clever!



Please be patient for the crossword being loaded.

There already are some riddles you can solve.

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